Keyfactor actively engages in discussions and implementation strategies for preparing for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). While the new NIST standards will be released in 2024, it is essential for organizations to understand their use cases and current cryptography practices and to start experimenting with candidate implementations as a preliminary step towards achieving crypto agility and effectively adapting to new algorithms.
Bouncy Castle, EJBCA, and SignServer already support several of the NIST candidate algorithms and we offer you to try these out today. Follow our tutorials to set up your first post-quantum PKI with a Root CA and an issuing Sub CA, issue a signing certificate, and then sign data or code in SignServer using the Dilithium post-quantum algorithm.
How-to guide - Create a Post-Quantum PKI
How-to guide - SignServer Post-Quantum signing
Corresponding Video Tutorials on YouTube
Please note, the final standard for the SPHINCS+, Dilithium, and FALCON algorithms is planned to be released by NIST during 2024 and the candidate algorithm shall not be used for production purposes.